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Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)  Initiative 

A work in progress <3 

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Presented by Meghan French CRNP ,
Founder & CEO at Dollfaced Aesthetics 

As a survivor of intimate partner violence (IPV), I first hand know how difficult it is to firstly even recognize you may be in a  toxic situation and second leave that situation. IPV is a form of abuse that occurs between two people in an intimate relationship. This type of abuse can include physical, psychological, sexual, financial, and emotional abuse and can take many forms, such as controlling behavior, threats, intimidation, manipulation, coercion and isolation. It is important to recognize the signs of IPV and to seek help if you believe that you are a victim of abuse. Intimate partner violence advocacy is essential in order to ensure that survivors receive the help and support they need. All healthcare providers should be aware of the importance of IPV screening and be prepared to provide appropriate referrals for victims. IPV is under-screened by health care professionals and underreported by victims. My goal is to be a safe space for my patients, to implement a screening tool, and provide resources as needed. 

Pittsburgh Area Resources

Women's Center & Shelter of Greater Pittsburgh
Hotline: 1-877-338-8255
Pittsburgh Action Against Rape (PAAR)
Hotline: 1-866-363-7273
Center for Victims
Hotline: 1-866-644-2882
Alle-Kiski HOPE Center
Hotline: 1-888-299-4673
Crisis Center North
Hotline: 1-866-782-0911
Blackburn Center Against Domestic & Sexual Violence
Hotline: 1-888-832-2272

5266 Butler St. Pittsburgh, PA 15201


Created by @injectionbarbie​

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